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Übersetzungen für stairlift im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈstair·lift SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A stairlift is a mechanical device for lifting wheelchairs up and down stairs.
The social worker ensured that he received living aids to make his day-to-day life easier: the bath became less challenging, a stairlift was fitted.
Codes of practice and technical specifications apply to stairlift manufacture.
The seat of a curved rail stairlift may have to be tilted so it remains horizontal whilst going around curves and negotiates different angles of incline.
Just a year previously, the stairlift had developed an electrical fault which was repaired.
But he grew even more angry when he did his own research and looked at the terms of the various stairlift contracts.
I battled for years to get a stairlift in his primary school.
The installation process usually takes longer than for a straight domestic stairlift.
He uses a stairlift to get around in the four-bedroom farmhouse.
The conventional layout for a typical domestic stairlift is to have the seat at right angles to the rail so the user travels sidesaddle.

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