Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für stride im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . stride <strode, stridden> [straɪd] VERB intr

II . stride [straɪd] SUBST

1. stride (step):

[dolg] korak m
to break one's stride
to get into [or hit] one's stride übtr
to put sb off their stride esp Brit übtr
to take sth in [Britone's] stride übtr

2. stride aufw (progress):


Beispielsätze für stride

to break one's stride
to put sb off their stride esp Brit übtr
to take sth in [Britone's] stride übtr
to get into [or hit] one's stride übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Research has shown gait training combining an overhead harness with walking on a treadmill has shown to improve both walking speed and stride length.
The trot is the best gait and is showy with a long stride.
Firstly, consumers can chose to use products from companies who take strides towards sustainability.
They concluded that huge strides have been made and the game could produce a sustained 30fps during both light exploration and heavy combat.
The 8 to 5 stride became widely accepted in the late 1970s.
The angle of a pitch can be altered in different ways through the stride.
Yards can be called by the second player, but no strides may be taken unless the original player took none.
Many universities from around the world have taken great strides to increase intercultural understanding through processes of organizational change and innovations.
Badger would imagine these episodes to be psychotic hallucinations, which he took in stride as being no more bizarre than the rest of his life.
The area has made strides in becoming a 24-hour neighborhood, with new restaurants, bars and other establishments opening in recent years.

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