Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für stumped im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . stump [stʌmp] SUBST

1. stump (part left):

štor m

2. stump Am POL:

II . stump [stʌmp] VERB trans

1. stump usu ugs (baffle):

we're all completely stumped

III . stump [stʌmp] VERB intr

1. stump (stamp):

she stumped out of the room

Beispielsätze für stumped

she stumped out of the room

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He wasn't required to bat during the match, but behind the stumps he did manage to take 3 catches and make a single stumping.
Behind the stumps he took 21 catches and made 13 stumpings.
They, in turn, had to now face the unpleasant wicket and were immediately in trouble, losing seven wickets for 61 before stumps.
Behind the stumps he took three catches and made two stumping.
Currently, only 56 stumps remain, but due to the circumference of the trees, it was likely to have been a much vaster forest.
It has a cosmopolitan distribution, and grows on dead wood, stumps, trunks, and branches of both deciduous and coniferous trees.
Behind the stumps he took 7 catches and made 2 stumpings.
They can be dug out, shredded with a stump grinder or burnt.
He was dropped early and was 11 at stumps.
Behind the stumps he took 4 catches and made a single stumping.

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