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Übersetzungen für sufferers im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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suf·fer·er [ˈsʌfərəʳ] SUBST (with a chronic condition)

Beispielsätze für sufferers

hay-fever sufferers

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some sufferers will ingest water to reduce the irritation of bile and acid on the esophagus during emesis.
The film is about a woman who is struggling to cope with the death of her sister and joins a group for sufferers of acrophobia.
Not waking up with fresh zits is a revelation, but former sufferers will soon fill that self-conscious void with worrying about their scars.
Sufferers often experience a sensation of fullness, abdominal pressure and possibly nausea, pain or cramping.
Acrophobia sufferers can experience a panic attack in a high place and become too agitated to get themselves down safely.
This is further compounded by witch doctors stating that their medicine will fail if sufferers seek conventional treatment.
That's why gluten-free products can be such a life-saver for sufferers.
Although there haven't been many studies on rosehip, there is recent evidence that it can reduce pain in arthritis sufferers.
In 1902, a sanatorium for smallpox sufferers was built in the village.
However, increased negative afterimages are also experienced by palinopsia sufferers.

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