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Übersetzungen für suppertime im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈsup·per·time [ˈsʌpətaɪm] SUBST no Pl


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The kitchen goes full tilt four days a week until suppertime.
Not being home at suppertime oftentimes resulted in you going to bed hungry.
Last week just at suppertime we noticed a flock of eastern bluebirds alight to share the water.
Because the tornado went through at suppertime, there were concerns that stoves would turn on and ignite fires so power was restored street-by-street.
They consumed more than 350,000 tonnes of the pink-fleshed fish in 2012, according to trade statistics, and spend billions every year importing this suppertime staple.
Crank up some merengue tunes, stick an umbrella in your glass and have a little suppertime beach party of your own.
In addition, the station broadcast several magazine style information programs as well as morning, noon and suppertime news/interview format programs.
Suppertime also hosts a weekly meeting for its staff to present ideas and give feedback.
It is hardly the quintessential suppertime story for such luxurious surroundings, but the atmosphere here is earthy rather than prim, convivial rather than sycophantic.
It was around suppertime and everyone was bringing the last few dishes to the table.?

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