Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für suppleness im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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sup·ple·ness [ˈsʌpl̩nəs] SUBST no Pl

1. suppleness (flexibility):

suppleness of the human body
suppleness of the human body
suppleness übtr of mind
suppleness übtr of mind

2. suppleness (softness):

suppleness of leather
suppleness of skin

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Yet his style has a precision, suppleness and grace which distinguish his most characteristic writings from those of the romantics.
This circle is a great test of the horse's suppleness and the rider's ability to keep the horse on the aids.
The old style emphasizes simplicity and power whereas the new style concentrates on exquisiteness and suppleness.
It also indicates suppleness and conveys qualities and values of vitality, youthfulness and energy.
This restores the suppleness of the skin, which will help prevent it from cracking and blistering.
Yoga is a traditional practice which aims to increase the suppleness of the body.
One of the primary materials used throughout the wardrobe is lycra, primarily for its ease of care, suppleness, and elasticity.
A master craftsman and artist who made bows with perfect symmetry and with the perfect balance of suppleness and resistance for effortless staccato and cantabile sound.
Once dried, the flower reabsorbs a little moisture of atmospheric origin, and this increases its suppleness and its plasticity.
It is used to help build muscle and suppleness in a horse.

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