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Übersetzungen für tax revenues im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈtax rev·enues SUBST Pl

Beispielsätze für tax revenues

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The city's tax revenues have increased about 30% since the center's opening.
The taxation of salt quickly accounted for over half of tax revenues within a few years of its inception.
In 2009, 70 school districts passed preliminary budgets that exceeded their anticipated tax revenues.
These bond sales and tax revenues generated budget surpluses that lasted through 1917.
In the past, it had contented itself with raising tax revenues and war making.
Government's mounting debts are a response to the economic downturn as spending rises and tax revenues fall, not its cause.
Coupled with bureaucratic corruption, tax revenues dropped dramatically.
The budget bill was revised down several times, with falling tax revenues, a growing deficit, and exploding debt.
Additionally, they argue that billions in annual tax revenues could be generated through proposed taxation and regulation.
Since 2000, fuel tax revenues have declined significantly as a result of less driving and increasing fuel efficiency.

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