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Übersetzungen für tea break im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈtea break SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And our coach was having his tea break and watching it from a distance.
Proceedings have started after a brief tea break.
The first few overs after tea break will be crucial.
The former kept his wicket intact but the latter was out shortly after the tea break.
They go into the tea break on a high and come out worrying about over-rates.
Little rituals help keep us functioning, and a tea break works on so many different levels when it comes to heart health.
Play was suspended immediately with the umpires later calling an early tea break.
The tradition of the tea break, from which the role of tea lady rose, has itself declined, also offering a possible explanation why tea ladies are not commonly found today.
In this base station is a communication center which is currently giving warnings of increased volcanic activity, but the scientist who mans it is currently away on a tea break.
He walked out of court for a tea break, his face red and streaked with tears.

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