Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für tend im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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tend1 [tend] VERB intr

1. tend (be directed towards):


2. tend (incline):

to tend to(wards) sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Rapid rises in property taxes tend to cause seniors and empty-nesters to sell their existing homes to families with children, which led to further increases to the school-age population.
They instead tend to hover in the background or are served up as part of the local color, for example, the transsexuals known as kathoey.
Wooden boats still tend to have buoyancy bags to the rear and a forward bulkhead.
It has a much gentler, cooler exhaust, so flight characteristics tend to feature gradual acceleration rather than firework-like performance.
Some traditional objections to direct democracy are argued to apply to e-democracy, such as the potential for direct governance to tend towards the polarization of opinions, populism, and demagoguery.
Youth gangs tend to emerge during times of rapid social change and instability.
Normally, gas bubbles formed in a metallic melt tend to quickly rise to its surface due to the high buoyancy forces in the high-density liquid.
On the other hand, some things do tend to niggle at me.
They are very intelligent and playful, but tend to be shy around strangers.
Some tendencies tend to equate the two concepts, while others draw sharp distinctions between them.

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