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Übersetzungen für terms of reference im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für terms of reference

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its terms of reference were to access anticipated traffic and profitability and assess the area's settlement potential and a possible route.
The focus of each working group, special working group, and advisory group is described in the groups terms of reference.
Its role is to provide advice and recommendations to the board within the scope of its terms of reference / charter.
Other terms of reference included the possible impact of climate change and experience of other countries.
This sets new terms of reference that will never allow negotiations to start.
We offered them the opportunity to provide written evidence on matters within our terms of reference for the inquiry, but they declined.
The focus of each working group is described in the groups terms of reference.
His advice concluded that the terms of reference should be expanded.
In 1990 the terms of reference for an environmental assessment were produced and the environment assessment was conducted.
The most common terms of reference are kinship terms, which might differ slightly in different regions.

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