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Übersetzungen für thumbtack im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈthumb·tack SUBST Am Aus (drawing-pin)


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This wheel then balances on a sharp pointed object such as a thumbtack, pin, needle, or pen cover firmly planted on a flat surface.
Electrified cage walls, cacti, tables, light tubes, glass, thumbtacks, baseball bats, and barbed-wire have been used in it.
A thumbtack may also be made to spin on the same principles.
Abyss removed the collar during the match and retrieved a bag of thumbtacks.
Remember in grade school, when you attached a loose string to two thumbtacks, then stretched the string taut with a pencil and drew an oval?
It was thought that putting a thumbtack in the stem would cause some kind of stress as well as supply "needed" metals.
Their match include the use of a miniature beer keg as well as thumbtacks, barbed wire and a flaming table.
Thumbtack then analyzes that request, and sources relevant local service providers who can then provide bids on the project.
The tape is affixed to the trunk at this point via several thumbtacks at this point and allowed to hang freely down the trunk.
Both purportedly used thumbtacks in the felt hammers.

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