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Übersetzungen für tightrope im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈtight·rope SUBST

ˈtight·rope walk·er SUBST

tightrope walker

Beispielsätze für tightrope

to walk the tightrope
diplomatic/legal tightrope übtr

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The full length of his tightrope was 1800 ft.
He taught them to fire miniature cannons and walk tightropes.
Wavers between acidity, minerality and fruit like a tightrope walker.
To understand how these extra dimensions could hide from view, imagine a tightrope walker on a wire between two high buildings.
Another man, resembling the artist, tries to keep his feet on two roads that intertwine and tangle like tightropes.
The tightrope walking performance is composed of a rope player, a clown and musical instrument players.
If anything, his past confirms only that he's capable of anything, a tightrope walker inching the wobbly line between supreme control and animal impulse.
He already showed talent in tightrope walking, which would later make him famous.
The previous year he had caused a sensation by crossing the Niagara Falls on a tightrope.
They start their new lives that necessarily begins with walking the tightrope.

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