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Übersetzungen für time clock im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für time clock

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other implementations include a fine for showing up, or a simple refusal of clocking-in on the time clock.
The present light source is a 25,000 candlepower lamp rotated electrically and controlled by an automatic time clock.
A time clock, similar to the one that stamps work hours on a time card, is used to stamp event times on each card.
For example, students punch in and out on a time clock each day, dress professionally, and are given work assignments with timelines for completion.
Cage set the admission price at $5 and had a time clock installed in the lobby of the theatre.
In the factories, meanwhile, standardization, routinization and the tyranny of the time clock erased human differences between workers when not actually erasing humanity.
The 1711 featured a real time clock that could place the current hour and minute into storage, again as a 4 digit number.
It took a minimum of eight minutes for all the employees to get by the time clock.
He eventually was forced to pay them for the ten hours of work they did and threw out the time clock, but not without making a fuss about it.
Rock employs the time clock concept to racial tensions in schools by asserting his tormentor was simply playing the role he was dealt.

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