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Übersetzungen für to be outed im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is an inescapable fact of life, despite our desperation for it to be outed as the biggest dietary myth known to man - sugar is bad for us.
One high-profile player, who placed a small bet, is among those caught but is not expected to be outed.
Not all offenders will be named but, under the policy, companies and agencies are more likely to be outed if the breach affects more than just the person who complained.
I hadn't expected to be outed like that in the media, and then to be chased down by the police.
The father certainly wanted the bully to be outed, even though he or she is probably also a minor.
These religious ultra cons need to be outed!
If the government's antics can't stand the light of day, then they deserve to be outed and purged.
The odder case, from those who are generally against press prurience, is whether he "deserves" to be outed because he has a (very) indirect role in regulating the press.
These women need to be outed and charged.

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