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Übersetzungen für tourist guide im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈtour·ist guide SUBST

1. tourist guide (book):

2. tourist guide (person):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Furthermore, it established and organized the first language courses, tourist guide exams, tourism congresses and conferences.
The board has also been providing travel agent licensing and tourist guide training.
I had attempted the unthinkable, trying to outsmart the local tourist guide.
He outlined plans for collaboration between the regions to include tourism posters, a printed tourist guide, school twinning, and business deals.
The first tourist guide describing and depicting the town was printed as early as 1845.
He becomes a tourist guide to support his entire family.
There they meet a shady character who presents himself as a tourist guide and map vendor.
From a tourist guide course to a diploma in tourism, it offers wide range of qualification for students and professionals.
In 1980, he gained qualifications as a tourist guide.
In order to enjoy your trip, you should have to follow a tourist guide, who has the knowledge of that natural reserve.

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