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Übersetzungen für transmutation im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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trans·mu·ta·tion [ˌtrænzmju:ˈteɪʃən] SUBST form (change)

transmutation of elements, metals, species
transmutation of elements, metals, species

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the case of, the transmutations tend to produce useful nuclear fuels rather than transuranic wastes.
He developed a different model of low-energy transmutation that he called frittage.
From a waste management viewpoint, transmutation of actinides eliminates a very long-term radioactive hazard and replaces it with a much shorter-term one.
At some point, he became able to control his transmutation to energy without relying upon his father's equipment.
From this premise, it was reasoned that the transmutation of one metal into another could be affected by the rearrangement of its basic qualities.
Ultimately it was discovered that her actual mutant power was not immunity from infection, but transmutation.
This encouraged early evolutionary theories on the transmutation of species.
The use of transmutation doping of some semiconductors: the transmutation of host atoms into doping atoms by the nuclear capture of thermal neutrons. 4.
The political and theological implications were intensely debated, but transmutation was not accepted by the scientific mainstream.
Without such transmutation by humanity, these energies will turn negative and destructive and bring on earthquakes and other upheavals.

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