Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für turret im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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tur·ret [ˈtʌrɪt] SUBST

Beispielsätze für turret

tank's turret
MILIT bomber's/ship's turret

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The turret ring had a diameter of 1.267 m.
No attempt was made to record the locations or conditions of damaged equipment in the turret.
For example, the game features various turrets and vehicles (such as tanks) that the player can drive around freely.
The turrets were apparently built in the 16th century.
Her main 46 cm turrets fell off, and as she rolled suction was created that drew swimming crewmen back toward the ship.
Originally situated at the end of the western breakwater, the main turret is now part way along, after the breakwater was extended in 1897.
The first two forward turrets were on the same level, but the third turret could superfire over the first two.
One, the anti-ship type, is a slow-tracking heavy turret found along the outer edge of both hangar bays.
The turret windows at the front of the house allowed the occupants to observe any caller at the front door.
On the forty hulls produced, not a single turret had been fitted however.

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