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Übersetzungen für twister im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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twist·er [ˈtwɪstəʳ] SUBST


ˈtongue twist·er SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These exercises may include tongue twisters, or the famous me, may, ma, moh, moo that many actors are seen doing in film.
The machines include wire and cable processing and handling products such as reeler/dereelers, winders, straighteners, cutters, twisters, and strippers.
A tornado is also commonly referred to as a twister, and is also sometimes referred to by the old-fashioned colloquial term "cyclone".
Automobiles in the path of the twister were also damaged.
The twister collapsed parts of the building's science wing, third hallway and new gym, while causing severe damage in other areas of the school.
The small twister had a 2 km path and was around 150 meters wide.
However, the play also appears to be a superficial work of fancy and nonsense verse, and it delighted audiences with tongue twisters and parody.
In bacteria, twister ribozymes are near to gene classes that are also commonly associated with bacterial hammerhead ribozymes.
Twisters do not generally fill their creations with helium, as these designs will not usually float anyway.
He accidentally threw the audition room into disorder when he triggered one of his twisters, and was rejected.

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