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Übersetzungen für ullage im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ul·lage [ˈʌlɪʤ] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Ullage motors are typically very small; research shows that accelerations of the order 0.001 g are needed to avoid excessive gas intake.
On the ground, the space between the top of the propellant load and the top of the tank is known as ullage space.
As opposed to a fixed roof tank there is no vapor space (ullage) in the floating roof tank (except for very low liquid level situations).
Under this same traditional style of winemaking, a large ullage or air space would emerge in the barrel and oxidation took place.
Four pressure transducers located at the top of the liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks monitor the ullage pressures.
Ullage levels are generally important to the likelihood of almost any wine being in good shape.
Excessive ullage in a tank may contribute to the free surface effect.
Some vehicles use other techniques to hold liquid at the inlet, as once the main engines are ignited, ullage motors are no longer required.
The fourth stage then coasted until one hour and fifty seconds after launch, when it fired its ullage motors in preparation for ignition.
This causes the ullage fuel air ratio to increase rapidly and the ullage fuel air ratio to exceed the lower flammability limit.

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