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Übersetzungen für unmet im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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un·met [ʌnˈmet] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This enables development agencies to identify unmet needs, assess the relative efficacy of varying programs, and more efficiently allocate scarce resources across competing program needs.
It focuses on the unmet health care needs of families with inadequate access to integrated care and support from the National Health Service.
They had many unmet needs and few people and institutions to help them.
Note also that the following delineates the determinations which were unmet rather than those that were satisfied.
A second step could be to do a cross-national comparison of service use and unmet needs in countries with different mental health care systems.
This model aims to identify ego states that are stuck in the past and help them get unstuck by remediating those unmet developmental needs.
Clubs are encouraged to conduct a community survey each year to determine what unmet needs exist in their community.
In providing wet and dry lab space as well as traditional office space, the research park is filling an unmet regional need.
Now, the focus of the company is mainly on development and production of drugs for cancer patients with high unmet needs.
The study also found that the levels of unmet food demand in these communities were as high as 70%.

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