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Übersetzungen für unremitting im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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un·re·mit·ting [ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ] ADJ form

to be unremitting in sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Passengers also found it difficult to deal with the unremitting orange colour scheme and lack of cabin windows.
It is usually unremitting, but rare cases of remission have been documented.
But the pain she suffered was not unremitting, and her life had value and quality.
The finale contains a whirlwind of unremitting parallel octaves, with unvarying tempo and dynamics, and not a single rest or chord until the final bars.
He would wage unremitting warfare on them for the next quarter century and become of the legendary guerrilla commanders of the century.
The poem's vicious and unremitting attacks are impressively constructed, and even entertaining in their lacerating cynicism.
He did his duty conscientiously by constant, unremitting care, and he emphasized his teaching by frequent appeals to the ferule.
Historically, identifiable exposure to the sun had been the mark of those unfortunate laborers doomed to a life of unremitting, unsheltered toil.
Birds froze in mid-air, casks of wine, livestock, whole vineyards were destroyed by the unremitting cold.
But he was a man who developed the capacities he had within him by sheer unremitting work.

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