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Übersetzungen für user program im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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user ˈpro·gram SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Even-tagged words are user data which can be modified by a user program as user state.
The user program provides access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities staffed by scientists and technical support personnel who are active in nanoscience research.
The user program can read, write and update records without regard with their location.
These items can not usually be altered by a user program.
Once the probes are connected, the user programs the analyzer with the names of each signal, and can group several signals together for easier manipulation.
As this memory was not directly addressable by user programs, it was seen as a set of named files containing either programs or data.
A typical use is replacing the user exits provided by a sort/merge package, whereby the user program provides its own subroutines for comparing records.
This also provided opportunities for user programs to hang the system.
The capabilities developed to enable bio-inspired nanoscience and technologies are made available to the user program.
A user program may leave protected mode only by triggering an interrupt, causing control to be passed back to the kernel.

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