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Übersetzungen für wearisome im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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weari·some [ˈwɪərɪsəm] ADJ form

1. wearisome (tiring):


2. wearisome (boring):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The great objection to this variation of the game is that it is wearisome because the players have to wait until all the others are satisfied with their cards.
His attention to detail became almost wearisome at times, but it all went to prove the true value of the man as a student of financial subjects.
The harvest itself was a wearisome process, with the slush in the field making it difficult for the combine harvesters to move.
The superhuman wisdom and virtue of the character were derided by later critics, who tended to find the traits wearisome.
In a wearisome competitive activity you find the pedigree of a deserter?
Although its comedic elements are sometimes amusing, the film's mawkish interludes and melodramatic plotline quickly become wearisome.
He left this wearisome life and departed for a life without affiction and eternal.
To that end, there were certain production cues, that, while they might lend themselves to making great television, became wearisome after a while.
Much of this overtly mystical material is wearisome, despite being presented in highly poetic prose.
At first, the actors had fun with the pie fight assignment, but eventually the process grew wearisome and dangerous.

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