Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für wedges im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . wedge [weʤ] SUBST

1. wedge (tapered block):

II . wedge [weʤ] VERB trans

1. wedge (jam into):

zabijati [perf zabiti]

2. wedge (keep in position):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are also thigh-high suede boots and platform wedges as well as slouchy handbags and costume jewellery completing the accessories offering.
When a circle is completed with six pie wedges, the wedges disappears, and points are earned for all wedges cleared from the circle.
The first player to fill all six wedges of their token won the game.
Sights were rudimentary or non-existent and elevation was controlled by wedges and guesswork.
She gathers a group of followers to help her sniff out traitors, though her actions unwittingly drive wedges between many of the noble class.
Go with a halter-neck, wide-legged jumpsuit matched with platform wedges.
These consisted of french fries, baked potato, mashed potato and potato wedges.
And as proof of their oyster love, all the male servers are shuckers and can plate a dozen in two minute flat, complete with lemon wedges and grated horseradish.
Pitching wedges, drivers, putters and nine irons - golf was never so much fun.
His aircraft had been fitted with a deflector device, whereby metal deflector wedges were fitted to the airscrew.

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