Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für whisk im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . whisk [(h)wɪsk] SUBST (kitchen tool)

electric whisk

II . whisk [(h)wɪsk] VERB trans

1. whisk cream, egg whites:

stepati [perf stepsti]

2. whisk (take, move quickly):

Beispielsätze für whisk

electric whisk

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Living whisk ferns and horsetails do not have the large leaves (megaphylls) which would be expected of euphyllophytes.
Then they are whisked away to enjoy a special night out and heartwarming, emotional reunions with loved ones flown in to celebrate their big day.
His favorite kitchen implement is a whisk and his ultimate ambition is to provide a good quality of life for his family.
Handheld dustpans may be used with either a full-size broom or with a smaller whisk broom or brush sometimes called a duster.
Cold, one-inch cubes of butter are then gradually incorporated into the sauce as the butter melts and the mixture is whisked.
He is armed with the whisk and the used for making cakes.
One trail rider in 2008 was whisked away and lost for 14 days.
She falls in love with him at last; as they are about to embrace, however, she is whisked back to her own time.
Tea whisks are carved from a single piece of bamboo.
And she definitely does not want or need to be whisked off on some white horse or magic carpet.

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