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Übersetzungen für wolfhound im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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ˈwolf·hound SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Excavations within the garden in the 1990s revealed various finds, including a very large dog, likely a deer or wolfhound, that measured approximately 86 cm at the shoulder.
However independent the wolfhound is, the breed becomes attached to both owners and other dogs they are raised with and is therefore not the most adaptable of breeds.
Other items, such as the curled-up cat and the wolfhound, represent opposing forces within all people.
They can be as small as a whippet or as large as a wolfhound.
A wolfhound is most easily described by its historical motto, gentle when stroked, fierce when provoked.
Adult wolves are usually too fast to be overtaken by wolfhounds, but not for well conditioned horses, especially in thick snow.
They were responsible for organizing all aspects of the wolf-hunt and presided over the royal pack of wolfhounds and their handlers.
Hunter is a lurcher - a cross between a greyhound and a wolfhound.
Unfortunately, the wolfhound gets loose and attacks the professor.

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