pterodactyl im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für pterodactyl im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Paleontologists now avoid using pterodactyl and prefer the term pterosaur.
He also wrote several articles on pterodactyls.
On the journey, they encounter carnivorous gastropods and pterodactyl-like flying creatures.
It tracks the journey of the title character flying on the back of his pterodactyl through a fantastic world mixing medieval fantasy with futurism.
At night, enormous flying insects land on the windows and pterodactyl-like animals prey on them, eventually causing the glass to break.
One bug, which facilitates the defeat of the pterodactyl, allows players earn a large number of extra lives.
A day before the game was finished, however, the pterodactyl's sprite was altered to improve the appearance.
He also commented positively on the other audio effects, such as the boiling lava, the raging pterodactyls and the zany movie voice-overs.
A pterodactyl will appear after a predetermined time frame to hunt the hero.
The new sprite allowed the pterodactyl to be easily defeated an unending number of times.

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