uncashed im Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Übersetzungen für uncashed im Englisch»Spanisch-Wörterbuch

Amerikanisches Englisch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This has caused a rift between us and nine months later the cheques remain uncashed.
Although the insurer reissued the drafts and sent them via overnight mail, plaintiffs' attorney returned them uncashed and advised that no binding settlement agreement had been reached.
She later returns it uncashed and breaks up with him.
They found cheques uncashed for 30 years, large chests filled with silver plates and valuable furniture and antiques, all buried under this mountain of rubbish.
My winnings -- a $150 cheque that remains framed and forever uncashed -- hung as a reminder never to do that again.
In the car there were beer cans and a money bag with uncashed checks but no cash.
Unclaimed property includes funds from savings or checking accounts, uncashed dividends, insurance policies, or other accounts that the owner may have forgotten.
Many files were in disarray, with documents placed haphazardly and uncashed checks sitting in folders.
When found, he had $4,000 cash in his pocket, and uncashed checks in his name worth another $41,000.
Missing records, files in disarray, uncashed checks, and unaccounted for tickets, made it impossible to determine how much additional money might be unaccounted for or missing.

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