PONS Travel Phrase Book German

The right word at the right time. Listen & speak - with sound files


Format: 10,6 x 19,0 cm, 285 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-12-518654-5

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The right word at the right time

  • Never stuck for words: Find the right expression in the phrase book for every situation.
  • Understand and be understood: With the German - English and English - German dictionary to hand, you'll get on just fine.
  • Just like the locals: The insider tips tell you what makes the country and its people tick.
  • Off the tourist trail: The menu section will help you order what you want in any pub or restaurant.
  • Pronounce it right: Download the most important phrases and hear them spoken.
Ausführlichkeit: Mittel
Medium: Buch
Nachschlagen oder üben?: Nachschlagen
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Für Anfänger & Wiedereinsteiger
Sprache: Deutsch