Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für adhere to im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The gametocyte usually lies along the host cell nucleus but young gametoctyes may adhere to the host cell membrane.
Do you adhere to a cruelty-free beauty regimen?
It is a shame that businesses do not take more care of their kitchens and general premisses and adhere to the laws of basic food hygiene.
Each fibre of spandex is made up of many smaller individual fibres that adhere to one another due to the natural stickiness of their surface.
Women adhere to the laws of modest dress and wear long skirts and sleeves, high necklines and if married, some form of head covering.
Members of the order must adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, and the fourth vow, to give wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor.
At first the old man is tactful, but gradually his indignation over his son's failure to adhere to his policies causes him to demand openly the return of his crown.
They live their lives outside of the typical nine-to-five confines that most of adhere to.
If, for example, flour were drizzled into the camera, it would still adhere to the surface of earthed metal.
Thus, it is adaptive to be able to adhere to social norms, which requires memory of them.

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