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Übersetzungen für conversion factor im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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conversion factor MATH

unit conversion factor WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The recovery factor is at 50%, the conversion factor at 10% and the overall lifetime is estimated to be 30 years.
Simple conversion factors (0.433 for specific gravity and 0.052 for ppg) convert these values to a pressure gradient in psi per foot.
These prices were converted to euros using a conversion factor of 0,45378.
Even if natural gas prices were not at their current very low level, the conversion factor would seem to be overly generous.
This principle gives rise to the form that conversion factors must take between units that measure the same dimension: multiplication by a simple constant.
We arrived at the conversion factor of 2 by considering a number of variables including pricing, support, length of term, and renewal rates.
The equivalent nitrogen content (in gram) of urea (in mmol) can be estimated by the conversion factor 0.028 g/mmol.
Other units may require a conversion factor.
The more common (and irregular) units of minutes (60 seconds) and hours (60 minutes) result in a conversion factor of 3600 when converting seconds to hours.
Most commercial units are provided with a conversion factor, or can be calibrated by a fluid of known properties.

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