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Übersetzungen für conversion factor im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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conversion factor SUBST WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Since the conversion factor is one inch to 2.54 cm, this is "not" a correct conversion.
Simple conversion factors (0.433 for specific gravity and 0.052 for ppg) convert these values to a pressure gradient in psi per foot.
Specifically, the hydrodynamic size as related to molecular weight depends on a conversion factor, describing the shape of a particular molecule.
These prices were converted to euros using a conversion factor of 0,45378.
A conversion factor (produced by a straightforward trigonometric calculation) is then multiplied with the measured value to infer a measurement of the thread's pitch diameter.
Firstly, time is being measured in the same units as length by multiplying it by a constant conversion factor.
Most commercial units are provided with a conversion factor, or can be calibrated by a fluid of known properties.
Other units may require a conversion factor.
This yields a conversion factor of 1.0274912510 days/sol.
This principle gives rise to the form that conversion factors must take between units that measure the same dimension: multiplication by a simple constant.

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