Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für idyll im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She did not have the nostalgic idyll of many migrs, but rather the memories of her childhood and her lost family.
He also composed a pastoral idyll, which, though too long and inclined to obscenity, contains much tender description.
The dreamer tells how his dream idyll comes to and end.
Less symmetrical layouts became common with the development of the natural style of the "jardin anglais", which attempted to create vistas of a rural idyll.
It consisted of four idylls, totaling 2,997 hexameters.
Even the first cars and motorcycles began to disturb the rural idyll.
In a sense, the plague is metaphorical, since the revolutionary idyll of the lite group is corroded from within by flaws of human nature.
However, this idyll is influenced by the freeway which leads through 20.000 cars a day through the city, which create often traffic jams.
Stein's description of his childhood small-town idyll before the mass immigration is deliberately fake-sentimental, describing lowlife white kids stealing things and getting drunk.
Competition from more modern forms of entertainment follow the illusionist even to this idyll, and he soon moves on.

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