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Übersetzungen für idyll im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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idyll [ˈɪdɪl, Am ˈaɪdl] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, outsiders have discovered the rural idyll and are moving in to enjoy its benefits.
It consisted of four idylls, totaling 2,997 hexameters.
The idyll went wrong when, ignoring her pleas, he threw up his position to spend the rest of his life with her.
Stein's description of his childhood small-town idyll before the mass immigration is deliberately fake-sentimental, describing lowlife white kids stealing things and getting drunk.
Her poems were very numerous, and included representatives of nearly all the minor forms of poetry: odes, eclogues, idylls, elegies, chansons, ballads, madrigals, and others.
Even the first cars and motorcycles began to disturb the rural idyll.
One can perceive the remains of the past and the possibilities of an idyll.
But the idyll is shattered by their discovery of a man's body, hanging from a tree.
However, this idyll is influenced by the freeway which leads through 20.000 cars a day through the city, which create often traffic jams.
In a sense, the plague is metaphorical, since the revolutionary idyll of the lite group is corroded from within by flaws of human nature.

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