Englisch » Arabisch

Übersetzungen für piggy bank im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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piggy bank WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There would also be less money stuffed into his university's piggy bank.
But the fact was the regular deposits in your piggy bank, did not earn a rate of return.
That came alongside a big drop in household saving ratios, suggesting people are raiding the piggy bank to offset falling income.
When chosen, a piggy bank is opened to reveal its contents and remove it from further play.
We try to atone for our holiday excesses by either re-stocking the piggy bank through strategic scrimping, or by restraining our inner piggy.
In the second round, the player chooses one piggy bank out of five.
You might need a bigger piggy bank for the fees...
Plunking $1.75 into a piggy bank every day rather than spending it at a coffee shop will net you $638.75 in a year.
Although it took almost all the money he had (he literally broke open his piggy bank to pay his membership dues), he joined the union that day.
Ignoring a piggy bank theft crime wave, he goes into action when he learns that his own bank has also been stolen from his secure safe.

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