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Übersetzungen für piggy bank im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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piggy bank SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There will be no shortage of psychics, preachers, faith healers and assorted con artists with their sticky fingers in your shrinking piggy bank this year.
Why not have him holding a piggy bank?
I remember cracking open the piggy bank and buying that vinyl.
A piggy bank is saved from being shattered for its emptiness.
The familiar goldfish and shark were replaced by a piggy bank.
Plunking $1.75 into a piggy bank every day rather than spending it at a coffee shop will net you $638.75 in a year.
The children had a ledger where they meticulously recorded any additions to the piggy bank where they kept their savings.
This large ceramic piggy bank became a fixture of the later stages of the marathon.
Imagine being seven years old and having a whole $137.88 in your piggy bank.
Although it took almost all the money he had (he literally broke open his piggy bank to pay his membership dues), he joined the union that day.

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