Englisch » Arabisch

sever VERB

sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever (relations)
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT
sever COMPUT

sever security measures (procedures )

sever or break off relations VERB

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The protein is known to sever actin filaments by creating more positive ends on filament fragments.
If the crop or other item over which there is a common right is severed from the land, then the common right becomes extinguished.
This space embodied the countryside's sacred aspects, as a space by which urbanity (city) is severed from the world of nature.
All connections continuing from the cittas previous condition have been severed forever.
He has since severed formal ties with the club.
They may also play a role in severing of microtubules by causing calcium-mediated contraction.
The guillotine sliced four times on each plane, severing the wings and leaving the fuselage in three pieces.
In his fury, he severed their heads and stitched them onto their rears, creating the first dogs.
A partial severing or even bruising of the spinal cord results in varying degrees of mixed function and paralysis.
Peoples tendons in the back of their necks were severed with sabers, so that a person could no longer hold their head up.

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