Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für sever im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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sev·er [ˈsevəʳ] VERB trans

1. sever:

sever (separate)
sever (cut through)
sever (cut through)
sever (cut through)

2. sever (end):

sever links, connection

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Severing a major blood vessel leads to collapse due to shock fairly quickly.
As a result of what later came to be known as the immortal emergence controversy, fellowship between the two men, and their groups, was severed.
This space embodied the countryside's sacred aspects, as a space by which urbanity (city) is severed from the world of nature.
Hydraulic components located in the aft body were also severed, leading to a rapid depletion of all four hydraulic systems.
All connections continuing from the cittas previous condition have been severed forever.
For example, if the somatic nerves to a skeletal muscle are severed, then the muscle will exhibit flaccid paralysis.
He even throws himself in front of the subway train, but only succeeds in severing his arm.
A partial severing or even bruising of the spinal cord results in varying degrees of mixed function and paralysis.
The broken ends of an elastic polymer such as common nylon reach high speeds and can easily sever fingers.
He was a victim of friendly fire, receiving a hit in the knee which severed his popliteal artery.

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