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Übersetzungen für unfold im Englisch » Arabisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Key to the process of active imagination is the goal of exerting as little influence as possible on mental images as they unfold.
If telomeres become too short, they have the potential to unfold from their presumed closed structure.
The real case involved a nickel, not a half-dollar, and took four years to unfold, not the short matter of days in the film.
The stop was only expected to last for few months or a year at most until the events unfolded.
His pieces unfold as films without image, with a sharp ear for detail.
Games are better at reproducing the conditions under which events unfold rather than outlining the details of the events themselves.
As the internal logic of each composition unfolds forms are defined, buried and rediscovered until the painting becomes congruent with itself.
At fifth hearing, months later, it unfolds further layers of expressive depth.
He watched the battle unfold through field glasses, and later decided to depict one of its central events.
The species is distinctive in having two large startling violet-brown eyespots on its hind wings which are revealed when its wings are unfolded.

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