clam chowder im PONS Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some dishes (broiled fish, clam chowder) are heavily spiced.
He orders the clam chowder and a glass of lemonade.
Sourdough also became popular because of its ability to combine well with seafoods and soups, such as cioppino, clam chowder, and chili.
Raw bars serve a selection of oysters and quahogs, and sometimes supplement the menu with cooked versions of the same seafoods such as clam chowder, oyster stew, and steamers.
There are soft cheeses and sliced meats, shrimp risottos and bowls of thick clam chowder, banana muffins, cheeseburgers, hanger steaks.
Both are delicious, but so are the fried scallops, fried haddock, fried combo plates, lobster stew, clam chowder and superlative lobster roll.
They serve margaritas -- very icy ones at that -- by the bucket as well as an array of ribs, wings and of course clam chowder.
Cats, left unchecked, multiply like bacteria in a broken steam tray full of clam chowder.
Dill pickle soup and clam chowder served in a bread bowl will take the chill off cold winter days ahead.
The actor was working late one night on the movie and ate the clam chowder that was on set.

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