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Übersetzungen für clam chowder im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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clam ˈchow·der SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Razor clams are commonly battered and fried in butter, or made into a clam chowder.
Area restaurants compete for local bragging rights for having the best area clam chowder.
It can also refer to one or more kinds of commonly consumed marine bivalves, such as in the phrase clam chowder, which refers to shellfish soup.
She ordered the clam chowder but thought it was thin and the potato tasted re-heated.
These were the masters of the universe in their downtime, sitting on beach chairs, smoking and eating clam chowder.
Some dishes (broiled fish, clam chowder) are heavily spiced.
It included theatrical performances, a pancake breakfast, clam chowder cookoff, midnight market and street entertainment.
You can buy large cans of lobster bisque and clam chowder, and tubs of cured navel beef.
Raw bars serve a selection of oysters and quahogs, and sometimes supplement the menu with cooked versions of the same seafoods such as clam chowder, oyster stew, and steamers.
Soft-shell clams can be eaten steamed, fried, or in clam chowder.

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