lock im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für lock im Englisch»Bulgarisch-Wörterbuch

I.lock2 [lɒk, Am lɑːk] SUBST

lock Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

to lock horns (over sth)
lock sb up in the room
I forgot to lock the door

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

All on board went into emergency stasis lock for millions of years.
The first team to unlock their lock would win a trip to a waterfall rock slide and a picnic lunch.
Each must then secretly press one of the three buttons on their keypad to lock in their answer.
He also encourages residents to consider spending between $20 and $40 on a steering wheel lock.
With deep and highly customisable settings, countdown clocks, and a self-imposed lock-out feature that's very time-consuming to undo, you'll never dilly-dally online while you should be working again.
She orders the attendants to lock the window, clean up, and conduct a head count.
A common example of a linear cam is a key for a pin tumbler lock.
When they returned to the airlock, the astronauts pressurized, vented and then repressurized the air lock to purge any remaining toxic ammonia.
Releasing the wheel lock on the left gives the rider control of both back swivel wheels using the handle to the right.
This change is widely controversial, as it changes more of the game than just the ability to flick (such as giving fencers the ability to lock-out a riposte).

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