road user im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für road user im Englisch»Bulgarisch-Wörterbuch

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We have as much right to use the carriageway as any other road user, except where specifically prohibited (motorways, dual carriageways and so forth).
The potential for heavy road user charging still receives no considered attention.
Inadequate visibility is an important factor that influences the risk of a road crash among all types of road user.
Under strict liability, the onus would be on the more powerful road user to prove that they were not on fault in an accident.
He needs to be treated like any other road user.
Then you have all the other expenses like road user charges and tyres and regos and everything.
Amongst its central recommendations was a system of road user pricing to fund new infrastructure, although that has already been ruled out by the government.
These look at road user behaviour, vehicle design, the road environment, aviation and rail safety.
It uses the principle of retroreflection to alert another road user of the bicycle's presence on the road.
This includes obtaining police reports of crashes, observing road user behavior, and collecting information on traffic signs, road surface markings, traffic lights and road geometry.: 3.

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