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Übersetzungen für actor's im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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actor [ˈæktə] SUBST

Beispielsätze für actor's

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The alien underneath the spacesuit was achieved by layering the actor's face with blue make-up, tissue, latex rubber.
The actor's light-hearted once-over manages to avoid spoiling the show's best surprise moments.
It was more of an actor's piece, if you can believe that, in a horror movie.
In our opinion it epitomizes the actor's deepest calling.
He possessed a writer's brain as well as an actor's and suggested the odd line or little ad-lib from time to time.
With the dissolution of the Iron Curtain, the popular actor's life became quieter.
The publishing of the book, however, triggers another series of events that draw Zimmer even deeper into the actor's past.
Many theatergoers have a sense that somewhere in the actor's psyche lies the potential to forget himself when authentically getting into character.
He has a quiet but assertive magnetism, a youthful dignity and a plainly potential sense of timing that is the good actor's sine qua non.
The actor's portrayal allowed the viewer to sympathise with this character.

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