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Übersetzungen für adherents im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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adherent [ədˈhıərənt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Ideologies can not ultimately control the character of their adherents even though they are influential.
In other words, the standard for valuing the accuracy of statements about any religion should be the experience and testimony of adherents.
To register, a group must have a minimum of 500 adherents in the country.
There are no statistics available regarding the number of persons who are not adherents of any religious faith.
This was intended to lead new adherents to understand the bourgeois world, and thus to develop a scientifically founded position toward it.
The province has a house church network with an estimated 50,000 adherents. 10 leading figures have been sentenced in 2009.
No seats are reserved for adherents of other religious groups.
He was a staunch adherent of 19th-century elitist liberalism trying to navigate the new tide of mass politics.
In rituals there are different "cakra-sdhan" in which adherents assemble and perform rites.
Fighting between adherents of the rival religions seemed likely until mediators intervened and the matter was submitted to arbitration.

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