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Übersetzungen für andropause im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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andropause [ˌændrəʊˈpɔːz] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

What is known as premature andropause is theorized to occur in males who experience excessive female hormone stimulation through workplace exposure to estrogen.
Some men may also experience premature andropause if their body produces more female hormone, estrogen.
Patients undergoing serious radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery sometimes experience symptoms resembling menopause (in women) or andropause (in men), which indicate reproductive damage.
This leads to many of the symptoms of menopause and andropause.
All men with symptoms of andropause should have an early morning blood test that measures total testosterone levels.
I encourage all men who have symptoms of andropause to visit their doctor and seek treatment.
Proponents claim that by their mid-50s, about 30 percent of men experience andropause.
In the past five years we have witnessed a concerted wave of discussion around the andropause.
Men who work in the pharmaceutical industry, plastics factories, near incinerators, and on farms that use pesticides are high-risk for early andropause.
But they were only weakly associated with testosterone, and overall, the researchers found, individual symptoms of andropause appeared frequently in men who didn't have it.

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