Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für anesthetic im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

anaesthetic, anesthetic Am [ˌænısˈθetık] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the hospital, the anesthetic gas she is given induces the flashbacks which make up the entire movie.
Doctors puzzled over a diagnosis but eventually decided to extract all his teeth under full anesthetic, believing the infection had settled there.
Unlike the intravenous anesthetic drugs previously mentioned, ketamine produces profound pain relief, even in doses lower than those that induce general anesthesia.
The first, chlorpromazine, was developed as a surgical anesthetic.
Other local anesthetic agents in current use include articaine (also called septocaine or ubistesin), marcaine (a long-acting anesthetic), and mepivacaine.
He introduced the use of local anesthetics, he was the first to put on rubber gloves, and he devised many new and ingenious operations.
Fluorocarbon anesthetics reduce the hazard of flammability with diethyl ether and cyclopropane.
To improve the blood circulation to the upper extremities, an anesthetic block of the stellate ganglion is performed.
A patellar tendon needle biopsy was performed under local anesthetic, and tendon cells were expanded by in vitro culture.
Local anesthetic is used to numb the area, then the mole is biopsied.

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