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Übersetzungen für brimful im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für brimful

eyes brimful of tears

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This kind of commentary, brimful of feeling, bitingly direct and harshly satiric, appears far too rarely in jazz.
It can seem very simple on the surface but it's brimful of tiny make-or-break details which, when they're taken care of, are just so magical and full of colour.
A man brimful of contradictions.
The mood was upbeat, rosy and brimful of optimism.
The film is brimful of music and frank and funny testimony from numerous participants in the song's richly peopled history.
Is it that creator who also fashioned delicate broth brimful of tofu in two forms - both cloud-light cakes and thin multi-layered sheets?
This time around, the omens were at once brimful of foreboding and anticipation.
The somersaults, the leaps and cart wheeling and mallakhamb bodies and the way one body balanced the weight of another with improvisations being done, were brimful of nervous energy.
For a nation squeezed into austerity, the place seemed brimful of life.
It's not an off-putting arrogance; rather, one that anyone who was ever young and brimful of self-belief will recognise immediately.

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