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Übersetzungen für brimful im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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brimful [ˌbrɪmˈfʊl] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He's everything you want in a bus driver: he's good-natured, easy-going, and brimful of information and items of interest.
The somersaults, the leaps and cart wheeling and mallakhamb bodies and the way one body balanced the weight of another with improvisations being done, were brimful of nervous energy.
He found everything he wanted and returned replete and brimful with the emotions to benefit people with this favour and benevolence.
The size of floods our model predicts from the basalt erosion better match locations of depositional flood bars in the canyon than the brimful model predicts.
Is it that creator who also fashioned delicate broth brimful of tofu in two forms - both cloud-light cakes and thin multi-layered sheets?
The hateful virus is brimful of mischief.
The mood was upbeat, rosy and brimful of optimism.
The place was brimful of students, and teams of women from surrounding villages went by minibus to cook and clean for them.
These gloriously rich paintings are brimful of stories and are a feast for the eyes.
They should be so brimful with ideas that it's hard to get them to stop talking about them.

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