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Übersetzungen für caddy im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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tea caddy SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While working as a caddy and in a factory, the 15-year-old found he could make $5 to $10 per night playing for local basketball teams.
At the end of the tournament, the entire staff of caddies approaches the player to congratulate him/her.
The players were warned by their caddies that she was skittish and liable to charge if they went too close.
Club members served as caddies and served food to these guests in appreciation for their service to our country.
He began his career of caddying at his home club at age 6.
He got his start in golf at age six when he caddied for his father.
The top 40-50 cards from the deck are placed in the card distribution caddy in the center of the table.
The disc is stored inside a caddy, from which the player extracts it when it is loaded.
Some (but usually not as many) opportunities to caddy exist during the week, as well.
Discs can be removed from their caddy and used in compatible standard-tray drives.

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